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Publications Policy

The Society shall publish reports in its Bytown Pamphlet Series on research which meets the Society’s objectives, and is either required of students under awards supported by the Society, or unsolicited from members or non-members, subject to passing an editorial review process approved by majority vote of the Board and to priorities dictated by the Society’s objectives and resources.

One copy of each report shall be distributed to each member in good standing as of its date of publication; others may buy copies at a price to be determined by a majority vote of the Board. Two copies of each published Bytown Pamphlet shall be sent to Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario for legal deposit and registration under ISBN and ISSN. Two copies shall be deposited in the Historical Society of Ottawa holdings at the City of Ottawa Archives.

All manuscripts should be submitted to the Director for Publications or the Publications Committee. In accordance with the Copyright Act (R.S.C. 1970, c C-30, s.5), ownership of this intellectual material remains with the author for life plus 50 years, unless signed away to someone else. HSO published formats are copyright of the HSO and shall only be reproduced with the consent of the Director for Publications or the Publications Committee. A copyright release, as follows and also available from the Publications Committee, shall also require authors to assume responsibilities to verify the copyright status of quotations and illustrations which they have provided for use in their reports, and to ensure appropriate citation of sources.

For inquiries regarding publications, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Copyright Release

Publications Committee
The Historical Society of Ottawa,
Postal Box 523, Station B, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5P6
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Contributor’s Certification


Manuscript Title ________________________________________________________

Publication Title ________________________________________________________

I certify that:
I have acquired permission to reproduce any previously copyrighted material which I have provided for use in my manuscript including, inter alia , sources, quotations and illustrations for which I have given accurate citation in the manuscript;

I agree to transfer to The Historical Society of Ottawa (HSO) publishing rights to the manuscript: that is, without relinquishing my proprietary rights as author, I transfer to HSO the rights to reproduce and distribute the article in HSO format, including figures and graphic reproductions, and the right to adapt the manuscript to conform to HSO publishing standards; and

(Please strike out one):
I agree that the article may be reprinted or copied for non-profit use by individuals and organizations without my written permission, providing proper credit is given to the source of the item
I require that the article should be accompanied by the copyright symbol (©) denoting that
the article may not be printed or copied without my written permission.


Signature:             ____________________________________

Printed Name:      ____________________________________

Date:     _______________________